Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom RePack Booskie Torrent Download
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Release Date: September 1, 2015
Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 3rd Person / Stealth
Developer: Kojima Productions
Publisher: Konami
Platform: PC
Language: English / Russian / Multi6
Publication Type: repack
Tablet: 3DM v2
System Requirements:
Operating System: Windows Vista / 7/8 /
Processor: Intel Core i5-4460 (GHz) or higher; Quad-core or better
Memory: 6 GB
hard disk space: 22 GB
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 (2 GB) or better
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain by Kojima Productions opens a new era in the history of the cult. Fox Engine revolutionary technology, you get a whole new feeling of the game – a great feeling of freedom in the conduct of tactical activities in a massive open world.
Nine years after Metal Gear Solid the events of V: Ground zero Snake, aka Big Boss, finally wakes up from a coma. The increase in 1984, at the height of the Cold War, leading the planet with confidence into a global catastrophe … trying to get used to the Snakes revenge new world and find the thread of organization XOF confidential.
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Mr. lossless repack DJ (Me)
Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain crack repack 8 V2 Multi Mr DJ
Mr. lossless repack DJ (Me)
Repack Features:
Nothing cut / recoded
Version of the game -;
Voice Language: English;
available languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese-Brazil, Russia;
Precracked – install and play
Installation time – 25 minutes
The final size is :;
The crack on the basis of: 3DM V2 (only processors are supported);
Operating system: Win 7, Win 8, Win, Win 10 (64-bit);
Beijing launcher automatic time zone change automatically included
Mission 46 adjuster / unfixer including
After the prologue, save on, “Save the file to skip the Prologue” there
After applying “to save the file to skip the prologue ‘
The menu 3rd line (option)
then select the 4th line (display settings)
then go on to PyccKnn AHRnncknn (second left)
asks you if you are sure that you select the NC
Common problems of the game and their possible solutions
Ques: The game crashes with white screen, or simply disappear
A: Either your processor will be supported by a crack (unsupported), or if you run the game launcher, which changes the time zone in Beijing alone. The processors, in particular, the Core 2 Duo does not support (E6xxx), Kentsfield Core 2 Quad (Q6XXX), AMD Phenom processors each, AMD Athlon processors each 64x.
Ques: Download the game forever after cutscene prologue / crash / freeze cutscene after the ambulance
Ans: Copy the entire 3DMGAME “Save the file to skip the Prologue” folder in the root folder of the game, overwrite all files and run the game, and now you are sure it is not the past, to change something ‘file …
After applying “to save the file to skip the prologue,” it changes the interface language in Russian language, switching to English as follows:
The menu 3rd line (option)
then select the 4th line (display settings)
then go on to PyccKnn AHRnncknn (second left)
asks you if you are sure that you select the NC
Ques: Why description says while the game says
Ans: It’s complicated. data files in this version, but in the form of an executable file – 3DM cracked cases not the latest version. But it is perfectly playable until the end. Follow the instructions on overcoming mistakes.
Ques can not play 46 missions, it will always boot
Ans: Out of the game, then you open the M46, and then run the “Repair Mission” at the heart of the game and wait until it is done (as root). Start the game again and complete the mission. It will say “Game Over”. Close the game and start again “shake the Mission”, to restore the original file “.” You can then proceed as usual.
Ques can not play the mission on 29 and 42
Ans: Do not use the Pacific for two trips. This is the original game a bug is fixed in the new patch, but over the reading.
Ques: The game has no sound
Ans: Restart the game.
‘Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain Mr package Open, waiting for about 1 or 2 minutes for self-recovery to open, enter the directory where you want the installation folder, open the extracted
Pull yourself by opening any other part, using ” WinRAR, open the extracted
Disable antivirus before running ” (IMPORTANT) to avoid any kind of error message. no error occurs due to blockage cracks AV (for Avast users simply turn off the antivirus settings in DeepScreen) …
After running the setup program ,, click on “Settings” ,, ,, specify the installation directory, click next and the next ,, select the software required (Visual C ++ and Direct X) ,, ,, next time finally to “Install” … Start the game with a shortcut to run as the desktop
Always open the game by using the “Run as administrator” to avoid any problems with saved games / crash if it’s still fall to lower graphics settings and make sure you meet the system requirements, as well as updated graphics drivers for your video card …
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